I have been a faithful Blackberry user ever since my dad was my only BBM contact.
Ten Blackberries later, I still carry a BlackBerry.
Top ten reasons:
1. Best keyboard in the market
You can type large amounts of text very quickly. The price to pay: a small screen. Users still think it is worth it.
2. Durability
In my experience, durable and reliable. Huge screens are not for me.
3. Email technology
It is still the benchmark. Blackberry uses a “push” system, which means that anytime an email is received, it is sent to your device. No need for “syncing”.
Blackberry was transferring data over the air and making executives more productive while others were still playing with mp3’s.
4. Privacy & Security
If you care about privacy and security, you may want your device to provide you industry leading encryption.
5. Data compression
Data pushed through BlackBerry servers is compresses at an approximate ratio of 5 to 1. This saves time… and in many cases, money.
6. Battery Life
With equivalent use it nearly doubles the battery life of an iPhone. Huge screens and no data compression have a cost.
7. It is a work tool
If I want a toy, I´ll buy a toy.
8. I can use with a single hand
No explanation needed here.
9. Different models
All the great features built in different models that cover a wide price range.
10. Red Light
I know from the distance if there is a message waiting for me.
Other Blackberry users around the world that may share this reasons or may have some more:
Felipe Calderón, Barack Obama, Angela Merkel, Dmitry Medvedev, Nicolas Sarkosy, David Cameron, Tenzin Gyatso (Dalai Lama), Hugo Chavez…